Saturday, April 22, 2017

Laziness :- A Need Or Torment

Laziness:- A Need Or Torment

  Hello Friends,
                         Its Raushan Kumar(RK)  back with the another blog  content "Laziness A Need Or Torment".As  we know that laziness is like a disease which tends the person not to do any workIn this blog i will aware about all the facts which are related  to the laziness of the human being. Laziness sometimes also called as:---
  • Indolence
  • Couch Potato
  • Slacker
  • Bludger
         Laziness is not only the habit but also the inappropriate behavior of the person.Currently, we are living in the 21st century which is the Era of the development in the field of science and technology. This technical enhancement has bought a considerable change in the life style of the humans. In other words, we can say that Things made by us is ruling on us
        In this blog, i will focus on both the aspects of laziness and also suggest you when and what kind of stupidity is harmful or useful.
       But first of all, i will start this blog by describing some of the definitions of laziness.
      There is a different definition of the laziness which is given by psychologist and the social thinkers. Some of the descriptions are as follows:---
  •  Psychology:------
        According to psychology laziness can be defined as:-
       "Laziness is a habit rather than a mental health issue. It may reflect a lack of self-esteem".

  •  Economics:------
      According to the finance, laziness can be defined as:-
                 “Laziness is the result of people focusing on the pleasant immediate effects  of their  action.”                              
  •  Literature:------
            According to literature laziness has been defined as in various types as:-

             Someone says that laziness is the apathy and inactivity in the practice of virtue. It is personified as one of the deadly sins.
           Someone says that laziness is the activity in which person doesn't will to work or be energetic.
    From my point of view, every thing which exists in the universe has two types of stands.
                A. Positive stands
                B.Negative stands
       So now let's move to the first type of the aspects that is decisive stands.
     There are various effects of the laziness in which some relevant facts I have listed below.
  1.       Procrastination is a kind of disease which destroy the thinking capacity of a person.
  2.       Laziness invokes the disability of the human being.
  3.      The lazy person loses the attention of the environment because they don't pay attention too.
 Now let's discuss some of the critical causes of Laziness:-
 Depression is one of the important and relevant reason for the laziness. this may occur to any person in the daily life. Common symptoms of depression include lack motivation, fatigue, lack of pleasures in previous things. People who are depressed usually feel stuck. The anger they may feel towards themselves for being in that state exacerbates depression. Self-loathing for laziness is common among people suffering from depression.                     
    2.Need of Relaxation:-
Some people create an illusion to himself that they had worked very hard and they need to relax very severely.Sometimes it is quite well, but sometimes it is dangerous. This relaxing time creates laziness to the person.
Fear is the critical reason because sometimes we generally expect something more and different and despite these, it happens something else. So this kind of thoughts puts the person in laziness zone. And every person should know how to recover from it.

    4.Desire of nature:-

We sometimes say that "If It happens to me"  this statement proves the expectations of the person and persons starts willing that diverts the person's mindset to the laziness zone.

   Positive effects of laziness:-- 
   1.According to science, the person who is lazy is bright and intelligent also. 
   2. Laziness sometimes helps you to think beyond the real world and increases the ability to think. People can never guess what is going in his mind, Instead of that, they believe that you are dull and stupid. But you get success the same person will come to appreciate you.
    3. A lazy person can do the most enormous tasks also in the efficient ways because they don't want to follow the most extended procedures.


  Some Important quotes on Laziness:--

1.By Jules Renard:-

"Laziness is nothing more than the habit to rest before you get tried."

2.By Bill Gates:-
"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it."

3.By Tony Robbins:-
"People are not lazy.they simply have important goals- that is 'goal that doesn't inspire them' ".

4.Someone says:-
"I am not lazy, I am in just energy saving mode."

    Laziness is sometimes very dangerous, and it may affect your daily life, social life and also the priority in the society.
     Whereas sometimes laziness factor dominates and which helps the person to think beyond and which creates a revolution.
     We should intelligently utilize our energy so that we can get maximum efficiency.
      The one crucial thing in nowadays that the advancement in the field of science and technology has created lots of demerits in the daily life of human beings. This development in the technology has created a laziness issue on the humans. No one wants to do works(Physical work) all they want a new machine just to use it instead of doing that particular task.
   So, Friends, you can also share your views about laziness and also about the entire blogs. You can just comment on this blog whatever you feel after reading my blog because your comments mean a lot to me for further blogs.
  The main motive of this blog is :-

   "Be lazy as per need but not don't allow laziness to rule on you."

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