Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Top 7 Online Compilers to Execute Codes

Top 7 Online Compilers to Execute Codes:-

Programmers have lots of different types of problems in which "Compilers" is one of the most significant issues. As we know that codes or programs are written in several languages, and it requires a platform where they can be executed smoothly. Nowadays there is various programming language available for which we need a path to run those codes and get the desired output.

In this article, we will see the various available online compilers where we can execute the written codes and get the expected outputs. 

List of 7 Online Compilers:-

      1.  Online GDB

      2.  Ideone
       3.  Comeaucomputing 

       4.  Codepad 
       5.  Jsfiddle 
       6.  Scratchpad 

       7.  GCC 

Now we will study about these articles in details, and at the end of this article, I will provide the links to these compilers.

Online GDB:-

This is one of most elegant compiler available online. If you are learning C, C++ or Java, then this compiler will be beneficial to you. Here you can directly execute any codes written in either of these languages smoothly. OnlineGDB also provides the execution time of the systems written. OnlineGDB also runs code written in Python and PHP. The significant advantage of Online GDB is that users are able to access this compiler entirely freely.\
OnlineGdb Compiler

Ideone:- is also one of the simplest and effective compilers which are online available. Using Ideone, you can execute codes written in either of these languages like C, C++, Objective-C, Java. The significant advantage of Ideone compiler is that  "It can also perform the codes written in Objective C. Ideone also shows the running time of the programs. It is efficient and easy to understand. This compiler is available to the user for free of cost.


Comeaucomputing is also of the famous compiler which is available to the users online. This online compiler provides the better flexibility and smooth execution to the codes written in several languages. This is a command line driven Online Compiler which is able to execute the systems which are written in either C or C++ style. This compiler is platform specified and transparent. This compiler is compatible with many versions of windows and Unix Compilers. It is also used for cross compiling.


Codepad is also one of the compilers available online. This compiler has access to only C and C++ programs. This is a limited compiler, but this is very smooth and easy to implement. This online compiler has made by Steven Hazel which is one of the founders of sauce labs. Codepad is free to all the users to execute their codes or programs. This compiler also performs the codes of some other languages like D, Haskell, Lua, PHP, Perl, Python and many more. This compiler is easy to understand and execute the codes. The Codepad compiler has an extensive collection of library and headers file.


JsFiddle is also one of the most used Online Compiler in the programming field. This is one of the best online Web Client Side Source codes playgrounds. It has a tremendous flexibility regarding the scripting language. Jsfiddle provides the different scripting language like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Collaborative and Embeddable also. This compiler is also compatible with the languages like Jquery, CoffeeScript. 


Scratchpad is an example of HTML, CSS editor. This is very unique and also very easy to execute. This is Online web client side source code playground. This is an exam pad like a board in which a user can implement his codes and make suitable changes accordingly. This is also used for collaborative programming. This Scratchpad uses the Scratchpad RAM to store the data and information on the local system.


GCC is also of the online compiler available for the execution of codes written in several languages. It is the acronym of GNU Compiler Collection. It is used for the implementation of front end codes of language C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, etc.  It was initially written for the GNU operating system. But later it has made available for all the users. The GCC was developed to be 100% FREE Software.


1. OnlineGDB

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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Top 7 Programming Language 2017

Top 7 Programming Language 2017:-

We are living in 21st century, which has a significant advancement in the field of science and technology. It has lots of development in Artificial Intelligence, Life, Digital Footprint, Quantum Computing, Internet of things.

Do you also belong to those students who are muddled to select any programming language to start learning? As there are thousands of words to determine in which choosing a particular style to learn is not an easy task. So, in this article, I have made your work a bit easier. In this article, I am going to suggest some programming language which is trending nowadays and also which has a broad scope. Learn one of these programming languages up to expert level. Choose the word according to your interest, and just go through it.

Let's Begin:-

In the list of top 7 programming language, the 7th position holds is C++.

7.  C++

Developer Name:-  Bjarne Stroustrup

Developed Year:- 1983

Current Version:- C++14

C++  ( Pronounced C-plus-plus) is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language based on the earlier 'C' language. Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs, first C++ was released in 1983. Stroustrup keeps an extensive list of applications written in C++. The list includes Adobe and Microsoft applications, MongoDB databases, large portions of Mac OS/X and is the best language to learn for performance critical applications such as "twitch" game development or audio/video.

6.  C#

 Developer Name:-  Anders Hajlsberg (Microsoft team leader)

Developed Year:- 2000

Current Version:- C# 7.0 (2017 released)

 From 2000, C# (pronounced C-sharp) is a relatively new programming language designed by Microsoft for a broad range of enterprise applications that run on the .NET Framework. An evolution of C and C++, the  C# language is simple, modern, types safe and object-oriented.

5.  PHP

Developer Name:-  Rasmus Lerdorf

Developed Year:- 1995

Current Version:- PHP 7.1.9 (Sept 2017)

 Today, PHP( Hypertext Pre-Processor) is a scripting language, running on the server, which can be used to create web pages written in HTML. PHP tends to be a favorite PL since its easy to use by new programmers, but also offers tons of advanced features for more experienced programmers.

4.  Java

Developer Name:- James Gosling

Developed Year:- May 1995

Current Version:-  Java 8

The tech community recently celebrated the 2oth anniversary of Java. It's one of the broadest assent programming languages(PL), used by some 9.1 million developers (Coders) and currently running on 7.1 billion devices throughout the world. It's also the programming language used to develop all native Android apps. Java's popularity with developers is because writing is grounded in readability and simplicity. Java has staying power since it has long-term compatibility.

3.  Swift

Developer Name:-  Chris Lattner (Apple Inc)

Developed Year:-  June 2014

Current Version:-  Swift 3.1.1 (April 2017)

Swift is the programming language(PL) which is developed by Apple Incorporation. This word has various specialty like

   a. General purpose

   b. Multi-paradigm

This language is IOS, MacOS, watchOS, TvOS, and Linux. Swift is designed to work with Apple's frameworks and the vast body of Objective-C code written for Apple products. It is developed with the open source LLVM compiler framework and has included in Xcode since version--6.

2.  Python

Developer Name:-  Guido Van Rossum

Developed Year:-  1991(Feb)

Current Version:-  Python 3.6.2 (July 2017)

Python is a general-purpose programming language that named after the Monty Python ( so you know its fun to work with)! Python is pure and incredibly readable since closely resembles the English language.

1.  JavaScript

Developer Name:-  Brendan Eich

Developed Year:-   1995 (December)

Current Version:-   ECMAScript 2017

 JavaScript, not to be confused by Java. It is another one of the world's most famous and influential programming language and is used to spice up web pages by making them interactive. For example, JavaScript can be used to add effects to web pages, display popup messages or to create games with basic functionality.


So, finally, you have gone through the list of top 7 programming language of 2017.
But, you can't learn all these in the shorter time. So, I will suggest you choose one
of these programming languages and complete it up to expert level.

I am currently reading Javascript and PHP. Choose the language as according to your 
skills and interest.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Easy WayTo Make All-Star Profile On Linkedin

How to make all-star profile on Linkedin:-
A Bunch of opportunities

Hey, all. As we all know that we are living in the 21st century where the advancement in technology is the primary thing. This era emphasis on the development of new technologies and science, which has created an enormous impact on the human life. 
Now let's focus on the real-time scenario of the market. As we all know our country is producing engineers in bulk amount every year. Recession in the companies also created a  womb in job opportunity. So, getting job opportunity for a fresher is very tough.


Linkedin a social app where any people can signup and create a profile and get more job opportunity than the real-life sources. Linkedin is nowadays are growing like a huge platform. It provides a lot of opportunity to the job seeker as well as the job creator. With the help of Linkedin profile, you can get several job opportunity like in   Artificial Intelligence,  LI-FI, DIgital Footprint IOT and also in many more sector.

Steps For All-Star Profile:-

In the previous section,  I have discussed the importance of LinkedIn. Now I am going to focus on how we can create an all-star profile on LinkedIn. There are few stages which we have to cross to achieve all-star profile on LinkedIn. You can get more information about LinkedIn by clicking on link LinkedIn right above.
This will connect you with professionals.


 First, visit and click on signup. You have to create an account on Linkedin.
Sign up by entering your Name, Email, Password. This will give you an email verification with your email id. Then you should activate your account by verifying that link.


Now after login to your account you can click on profile and then you should go to edit profile.
To make the all-star profile the name should be professional and also include the appropriate designation. In such a case where you have changed your name then also you have to add your original name in parentheses.


Now you will get the section to upload a photo. Remember one thing that the profile photo should be professional and formal(recent).


Now it comes headlines section. Here you should give some information about your profession, designation, and your specialization. This part of your profile reflects the personality and also the strength.


In the summary section, you can give details related to your job, strength, weakness and also your future goal.


Experience Section:-

In the experience section, you can insert your details which emphasize your previous work profiles like last job or internship. Students may include their academic experience or training in any language or technology.



In this section give the details about the technologies on which you have worked. IT professional may provide a platform on which they have worked earlier.



 In the education section, you have to insert your details about the previous studies like Matriculation, intermediate, engineering, medical, or any other technical courses.

Strengths of Linkedin Profile:-

So, til now we have made the necessary profile on the LinkedIn. If you follow these steps, then you can create the all-star profile on LinkedIn. You can increase your connection by invitation and also you can share your profile where you can improve your relationship with social connectivity. As we know the current condition of the corporate industries. Hiring procedure of the companies are changing day by day. They give the job, not on the basis
of marks but by skills and knowledge about the technologies.
Stay Connected

Here are some necessary strength Linkedin:-

1.   It gives you a professional account to connect with professional peoples.

2.   This provides the efficient filters of the profession. You are free to choose your own area of interest and stay connected.

3.  It gives you detailing of the profile. You can also endorse other's skills and create a large area.

4.  This is one of the best profile to promote your brand or your companies.

5.  The significant advantage of LinkedIn is, here you will not find any fake account.

Limitation of Linkedin:-

1.Some users are quite limited.

2.Privacy is concerned. We are providing the personal and professional data also.

3. People start thinking that knowledge is the only parameter to get the job.


Linkedin has been growing in tremendous amount. It is providing a massive opportunity to the IT professional.  All-star profile of the LinkedIn will be beneficial for the IT professional to give them the job opportunity.

If you want to connect me on LinkedIn, then click here.


Saturday, August 12, 2017

What is Sarahah App | How Does It Works

What is Sarahah:-
Main Page of the Sarahah App

Nowadays Sarahah app is getting so much viral.  All you are anguish about what is a Sarahah and how does it work. Today I am Going to demonstrate you a full Sarahah detail and information. In this app, you can receive honest undesignated feedback for about yourself. The input will be given by your friends, family, and other peoples who might have interacted with you or sometimes maybe just random. You can check feedback about your on Sarahah account by login on it. If you use Sarahah for work, then it will appreciate your areas of strength, and If you use it in friendship, then you can improve your friendship by ascertaining your strengths and areas for renovation. So you can check how Sarahah works and its features etc. 

History of Sarahah App:-

Sarahah is a social networking communication sites and app. Which was developed by the [ZainAlabdin Tawfiq] in Feb 2017? This is very hot and trending app which is being loved by peoples too much in recent times. When this app is released, it has trend everywhere, but after some time this app went down. Now in July 2017 Sarahah App again started trending everywhere. This app is released for the Android and iOS devices. Sarahah App helps you in ascertaining your courage, power, interest, and areas for betterment by receiving initial and honest feedback from your friends, employees, co-workers, families and also other mates which you are connected with, secretly. You can even get and send input to anyone pseudonymous. This app is useful in self-development because of feedbacks. You can also link Sarahah to your  Instagram.

How Sarahah App Works OR How to use Sarahah App:-
Play store Sarahah App

Now I will discuss how we can use this fantastic app. To use the Sarahah app, first of all, we have to visit the official site of the Sarahah app that is, or you can just download the Sarahah app from the play store (Android) and app store(Ios).

Now you can follow these steps to use Sarahah app:-

1.    If you want to send feedback to anyone, then go in search and type the person name and select person who do want to address input by standard click.
Register Here for Sarahah app

2.   Now you can write your feedback and click on send. In the other person, messages will show anonymous person. This will open a message box to you where you can just write whatever note you want to send.

3.   If you want to check feedback about your, then you need to login to Sarahah account. You can find your inbox where you can get your feedback which has been given by your friends to you.

4.  Now click on my messages tab and tab are open now you can able to see all words.

5.  With this Feedback, You can Improve Yourself. Improvement means make the change in your attitude, behavior, personality or anything which has been suggested to you in feedback.

Importance of Sarahah App:-

So this app is useful to many people. With the help of this app, anyone can improve his weakness. This app helps a lot to demonstrate his/her feeling to the person which you can't express before him.
You can also use this app for your website feedback, shop feedback and business feedback and many other social connecting sites.

So guys,
          If you want to use this fantastic app then just download and use.

You can also send me a message at Sarahah Contact.

Note:- This app has been downloaded 5 Million times in just 12 days.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Internet Of Things Technology

Internet Of Things(IoT):-
IOT Uses in the different fields 

The Internet is the most used things in the 21st century. 

The Internet of Things  ( IoT ) is a system of crowning computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, people or animals that are provided with individual identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without the involvement of human-to-human or human to computer interaction.

 A network of Internet-connected devices is able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensors or the artificial machines.

Points to be covered in this article:-

1. Introduction of IOT

2. History of IOT

3.Working of IOT

4.Application of IOT

5.Drawbacks of IOT


Introduction to IOT:-

The lay to an internet of things ( IoT ) is that the internetworking of physical devices, applications, buildings, vehicles, housing automating devices and alternative Objects embedded with physics, software, sensors and network property that allows these devices to gather, exchange and transfer information and also the helpful data. It also includes Artificial intelligence and digital footprint.

The IoT(internet of things)  allows devices or objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure. It is one of the very hot topics in the nowadays professional industry, marketing industry, policy and also in engineering circles. This technology is connected with a large chromatic of networked products, devices, applications, system, and sensors, which takes advantage of advances in computing power and network interconnection. This feature enhances the compatibility of the IoT devices uses in daily life. 

History of IOT:-

The term internet of things ( IoT ) is around 17 years old concept. But this is ancient technology, which has been introduced in 70's era. That time IoT was called as "embedded internet" or " pervasive computing."
The term IoT was firstly taken by Kevin Ashton in 1999 during his work as Proctor and gambler. He was a British technology pioneer who was working on RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification). As the internet was the hottest new trend in 1999, he used these technologies in supply chain optimization in his business.
IoT started to gain some popularity in the summer of 2010. In October of 2013, IDC published a report stating that the internet of things would be an $8.9 trillion business market in 2020.

The first IoT device an IP ( internet protocol) enabled toaster that could be turned on or off with the internet was introduced at an internet conference in 1990.

Working of IOT:-

LI-FI is also one of the examples of a use of IOT.
Now we will know about the concept that how IoT works. I have categorized the working principle of  IoT in following steps:-

1. Define the objective of application:-

This is the preliminary step related to starting any IoT application. We should know the basics connected to the devices that for which purpose this method will be used.

2. Build IoT network and security foundation:-

  Many industrial IoT deployments have used proprietary networks. Instead of building proprietary systems, IT should connect IoT devices with standards-based IP networks. An IP-based network will help businesses deliver the performance, reliability, and interoperability that are required to support global IoT networks and connections with partner ecosystems.

3. Collect all relevant data:-
  Businesses that don't plan carefully for IoT will be affected by the volume and variety of data that IoT will generate. While each sensor may only produce a small amount of data, a company will be collecting data from thousands to millions of sensors. To create a fully automated IoT application or device we should know about the sensors and the related devices which are being used.

4. Review the size and scale of application:-

 We have to keep track of the size and scale of the devices we are making because it is the primary stage of the price determining of the IoT product. The methods generated should be more optimal than the currently available devices, then only some transparency in the market which is gained. 

 Application of IOT:-
IOT applications

1. Smart Homes:-
Smart Home clearly stands out, ranking as the highest Internet of Things application on all measured channels. More than 60,000 people currently search for the term 'Smart Home' each month. This is not a surprise. Smart homes include security and all other related facilities. Smart homes have bought a revolutionary change in the lifestyle of humans. Everyone nowadays wants to be updated with the new trending technologies.

2. Smart City:-

The smart city spans a wide variety of use cases, from traffic management to water distribution, to waste management, urban security, and environmental monitoring. Its popularity is fueled by the fact that many Smart City solutions promise to alleviate real pains of people living in cities these days. IoT solutions in the area of Smart City solve traffic congestion problems, reduce noise and pollution and help make cities safer. A smart city is a dream of developing country like India. They are growing like some of the towns are using the IoT application.

3. Industrial Internet:-

The industrial internet is also one of the first Internet of Things applications. While many market research such as Gartner or Cisco sees the industrial internet as the IoT concept with the highest overall potential, its popularity currently doesn't reach the masses like smart home do. The industrial internet, however, has a lot going for it. The industrial internet gets the most significant push of people on Twitter (~1,800 tweets per month) compared to other non-consumer-oriented IoT concepts. The industry also wants to be updated with the new technologies so to be competitive in the market.

4.Smart Farming:-

Smart farming is an often overlooked business-case for the internet of Things because it does not really fit into the popular categories such as health, mobility, or industrial. However, due to the remoteness of farming operations and the large number of livestock that could be monitored the Internet of Things could revolutionize the way farmers work. But this idea has not yet reached large-scale attention. Nevertheless, one of the Internet of Things applications that should not be underestimated. Smart farming will become the critical application field in the predominantly agricultural-product exporting countries.
Smart farming includes new techniques to increase the productivity of fields. Growing of hybrid seeds is one of the examples of it.

Drawbacks of IOT:-
Smart product of it

As we know that every technology has some advantage and disadvantage. In this section, we are going to discuss the problems of the internet of things. 
Following are the some of the disadvantages of IoT:-

1. Compatibility:-

Currently, there is no international standard of compatibility for the tagging and monitoring equipment. I believe this disadvantage is the easiest to overcome. 

2. Complexity:-

As we know that there are significant changes to be the failure of the internet of things devices, with the increasing loads or the heavy users. So this increases the complexity of the applications regarding time and space.

3.Privacy and Security:-

With all of this IoT data being transmitted, the risk of losing privacy increases. For instance, how well encrypted will the information be kept and transferred with? Do you want your neighbors or employers to know what medications that you are taking or your financial situation?


So, I have discussed pros and cons of the IoT( internet of things).The Internet Society cares about IoT because it epitomizes an expanding aspect of how people and institutions are likely to collaborate with and incorporate the Internet and network connectivity into their personal, social, and economic lives. Solutions to maximizing the benefits of IoT while minimizing the risks will not be found by engaging in a polarized debate that pits the promises of IoT against its possible perils. Instead, it will take informed engagement, dialogue, and collaboration across a range of stakeholders to plot the most effective ways forward.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Quantum Computing Notes


Quantum computer is the frequent topic of research in the field of Computer Science, which uses axioms of quantum mechanics. Quantum computers will be much more prevailing than the standard machine due to its immense computational speed. Recent developments in quantum computers which are based on the act of quantum mechanics show different ways of performing effectual calculations along with the various execution which is not possible on the classical computers in an adequate period of time. 

One of the most cogent results that have obtained on the quantum computers is the prime factorization of the large integer in a polynomial time. The idea of entanglement of the quantum mechanics for the computational purpose is delimited briefly in the present work that emulates the importance and ascendancy of the next spawning of the 21st-century classical computers, named as quantum computers, regarding the cost as well as time period appropriate for the computation purpose.


        1. Introduction
       2. History

       3.Limitation of current computer

       4.working of quantum computer

       5. Application of quantum computers

       6. Drawbacks of quantum computers

       7. Conclusion


Introduction To Quantum Processor:-

Have you ever imagined the world where machines will be much similar to the human itself? As I have also discussed in my previous blogs Life Technology and  Lets Know About Digital Footprint that  21st  century is the mother of revolution in the field of science and technology.

Quantum computing can be defined as the area of study which focuses on developing computer technology based on the principle of quantum theory. It discloses the nature and behavior of energy and matters on the quantum ( atomic and subatomic) level. It relies on quantum physics properties.
The conventional computers and the orientation processing that every one of us is familiar, obey the well-understood principles of classical physics.A traditional machine basically swings and interprets binary bits into a useful computational result. A bit represents a fundamental unit of information, represented by 0 or 1. The classical computers though have become compact and fast, cannot solve problems such as factoring of a massive integer problems such as factoring of a large integer.
Collaboration of quantum physics with computer science


Alan Turing was the first programmer who has invented the programmable computer in 1936. He has started his experiments to show that particular mathematical problem was not computable.
In 1982 Richard Feynman suggested that the dignified Turing machine might not be as convincing as people thought.

Yet somehow simulation process of N-particle can be done with quantum mechanics. But at that time he was not able to find a general solution.In 1982, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman thought up the idea of a 'quantum computer,' a computer that uses the property of quantum mechanics to its advantage. One such development was the invention of an algorithm to factor large numbers on the quantum computer, by Peter Shor (Bell Laboratories).

Limitation of classical computers:-

As we all know that in the era of advanced technology all person wants to automate machines. Automation is the most primary concern nowadays. 

Considering these facts, we can see some of the demerits of the current computer system:- 

1. Incompatibility:-
 In currently working system their exists some software which is not entirely platform independent. Windows software cannot run on the Android platform. It is the most significant problem which an end user faces in the daily life. Compatibility must be there in our system so that interaction should be between all types of platform.

2. Privacy violation:-

There exists such software which can affect your system very quickly. This kind of programs may be viruses, spams, worms or any type of software which are harmful to our system. Data security is the most priority of the users. But in our classical computer system, we are not able to resolve these query.

3. lack of intelligence:-

In the classical computers due to the slow speed of data transmission, the smart factor decreases. Everyone wants that type of machines which is very fast and efficient. It is also one of the problems which are regularly encountered by the users. The use of a quantum computer will increase the functionality of the system.

Working on Artificial Intelligence:-

It is the most asked question related to the quantum computing that "how actually the quantum computer will work." There are few concepts on which the quantum computer works. They are Qubits, superposition, quantum parallelism and entanglement.


 As from the history of the computer system, we know that our computer system understands only two bits either "0" or "1". "0" signifies OFF ( no electron is flowing or no current) and "1" signifies ON ( current is flowing in the system. But in quantum computation, the information is recorded regarding "quantum bits" or qubits. The values of qubits can be anything in between 0 and 1. like 0.12334, 0.5682, 0.999245, etc.


The electronic status of an atom for ground and excited levels are |0> and |1>. But in quantum computing, this superposition may be defined as the

                      Ψ =α|0>+β|1>

Whereα and β   are two complex vectors.
 In quantum mechanics, the no. of states increases exponentially. As in the concept of a qubit, we have discussed the possible number of countries between  "0, " and "1" is infinite.

c.)Quantum parallelism:-

The concept of superposition leads to the principle of parallelism to create new quantum microprocessor. In a real world, small particles like atoms may travel in any direction without any restriction. The basic idea is to utilize these molecules for computation.


Quantum entanglement is the process in which the atoms are entangled in such a way that outwardly clashing of any other system or outer world one atom should spin in one direction. With the help of entanglement and superposition, we can create some complex algorithm which can solve billions of calculations in very jiffy time. Quantum computing will be very much faster than our standard assumptions.
Quantum Computer Application

Application of quantum computers:-

The application of quantum computers has enormous scope in the nearby future. The speed and the size of the quantum processor has a significant impact on the implementation of the quantum processor.

following are some application of quantum computers:-

 1. Safer airplanes:-

Lockheed Martin plans to use its D-Wave to test jet software that is currently too complex for classical computers. But in the quantum processor due to a small size of transistors, it will be immensely more comfortable to make safer planes.

2. Discover distant planets:-

Quantum computers will be able to rehash the vast amount of data collected by telescopes and explore out Earth-like planets. With the help of quantum computers, we will be able to visit considerable distances around the universe.

3. Boost GDP:-

Hyper-personalized advertising, based on quantum computation, will inflame consumer confer.

4.Detect cancer earlier:-

Computational models will help determine how diseases occur. As we have discussed that the quantum computer works by prediction. So it will help in disease prediction also.

 5.Help automobiles drive themselves:-

Google is using a quantum computer to design software that can distinguish cars from landmarks. It will help to make cars without drivers and also it will be safe.

6. Medicine development:-

In the recent time, the development in the field of medicine is too significant and very smart. With the help of quantum computing, it will be easier to invent new drugs.


Data security is the most primary concern for the users in near time. With the help of advanced research in the data security, the data will be more secure than in the classical computers.

8.Fast Calculation:-

It has been predicted that with the help of quantum computer we can solve an unlimited number of variables in the fixed amount of time. If for computation, classical computers take 100 yr of age, then a quantum computer can solve in 2 sec. 

Drawbacks of quantum computers:-

There is the distinct disadvantage of the quantum computers.

Some of them are discussed below:-

1. quantum computing is only the concept nowadays, it will be inline in future.

2. Its application might affect the environment.


A computer that uses quantum mechanical phenomena to perform the operation on data through devices such as superposition and entanglement. It makes uses of a qubit, superposition, prime factorization, which makes quantum computing too much superior to the classical computers.  The number of states increases exponentially. It can solve any severe problem in the minimal amount of time.
For example,

  if a classical computer can solve a problem in 100 years, then the same problem can be solved in 1/2sec.
